Considering The Family During A House Removal

26 August 2014

A domestic removal is a large and daunting process, and one that must not be taken lightly, for fear of allowing things to go wrong for complacency. You should be well repapered and sure that everything is set in motion if you are going to avoid the issues inherent in the process. You will find that one of the larger factors on the day itself will be the happiness and comfort of the rest of the removals party, in other words, your family. If you are moving with kids and pets, then your job will be made a little harder on the day, as you will be balancing their comfort with getting the removal done effectively and efficiently. If you were doing the job yourself, then you would likely sacrifice some of your own comfort for getting the job done well, but this is not really a viable option when you are dealing with the comfort of others, especially children.

If you are able to, then make provisions for the move to work in a split manner, especially if the drive is a long one. All day driving is not going to be easy on the children, and if you can have one member of the family going ahead with the removals company to get everything moved in easily, and another party that drives over in a more leisurely fashion, then you are going to have an easier time. Whilst traditionally it would be dad who goes with the removers, and mum who stays with the kids, it is more important to think about who has had the most interaction with the removals company, as well as the estate agent at the other end, as this will be more important than maintaining gender roles! This way of working will allow you to get the removal done in an efficient way, whilst not putting the rest of the family under the same pressure. If you are driving children, pets or elderly relatives, then the breaks you take will need to be relaxed and fairly numerous, as otherwise you are going to end up with some unhappy travelers. If the drive is particularly grueling, then having the slower party take a break overnight can also mean that by the time that they arrive at the new house, they are totally ready to move in, as all the furniture will be in place, and you may even have been able to unpack a little.

When you are driving with your family, have a box in the boot, or a bag in the front for their comfort, with spare clothing, blankets, food and entertainment, to ensure that they are never needing of anything. Whilst most of their possessions will be packed in to boxes, you will find that it is pretty important that you can have a few things out that will keep everyone happy. Favorite toys, a mini dvd player with their favorite film, and some well loved snacks should be good for a few hours. If you combine this with breaks every couple of hours, to ensure that everyone gets a chance to stretch their legs, and is not ramping up, then you will be much more likely to have an easier time in the long run, which will be a far less stressful experience over all! Have a think about other ways that you could make your move easier, and enjoy the move!

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